Last Sunday's Message

Being Thankful

Labor For The Lord

August 27th, 2023

It is Labor Day weekend!! As we celebrate Labor Day, God’s word also has something in regards to our labor in this life.
Join us as we, get e vision from God’s word and what it means to “Labor For God.”

Difficult Bible Verses, Part 6: Gaslighting God

August 27th, 2023

How can one actually “Gaslight” God? The Bible calls it, ”Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.”
In fact it can be done, and the consequences are eternal!
Join us as we dive into the only unpardonable sin in the Bible. This message is sure the give you deep pause and deep peace at the same time.

Difficult Bible Verses, Part 5: No Guarantees

August 20th, 2023

They say that there are no guarantees. This is true even in the church. While there are no guarantees in this life, we can have eternal assurance through Jesus.
Join us as we dig into this very difficult topic and hear from God’s word.

Difficult Bible Verses, Part Four: Keep Watch

August 13th, 2023

Jesus is coming back and we are told to “Keep Watch” for His return.
But some people who wear the label of “Christian” or those appear to be “religious” may not be ready for his imminent return.
Join us as we dig into this powerful and challenging parable from the, Book of Mattthew.

Difficult Bible Verses, Part Three: It's All About Who You Know

August 6th, 2023

In the end, it won’t matter what you know. It will only matter Who you know, and Who knows you. The Bible is very clear about the importance of relationship. Join us as we delve into the topic of works versus relationship with Jesus.

Difficult Bible Verses, Part Two: Who Is My Family?

July 30th, 2023

Family…. We ALL need a family. But according to the Bible, we are faced with this question: Who is your family?
Join us as we dig into a set of difficult verses that define this question for believers.

Difficult Verses, Part One: Harsh Consequences

July 23rd, 2023

There are Bible verses that are challenging to understand and downright difficult to swallow.
Most of the time, we glaze over these because they affront our world view. When we do this we undermine the work that God wants to do in our lives and in the body of believers.
Join us as we hear from God’s word, and see what He wants to show us in our lives so that we can grow in Yeshua’s image.

Pressing On

July 16th, 2023

Hardships. We have all had them in this life.
When these this occur we are faced with the choice of how to respond. Our reslove is tested, our faith is stretched, and moving forward may even feel overwhelming.
But God’s word has the answer for us. We press on!
Join us as we connect to God, hear from His word, and get a vision for “Pressing On.”

Ekklesia Part 7: Crossing Over

July 2nd, 2023

Ekklesia. We have discovered it does NOT mean “church.”
In fact, we have learned so much more about “Ekklesia”. Uncovering its true meaning inevitably causes a paradigm shift.
Join us as we reflect on what He has shown us, where we are going with all that God wants to do in our lives, and most importantly, for His glory.

Ekklesia Part 6: One Body - One Family

June 25th, 2023

Ekklesia…. Part of Ekklisia is grasping the depth and importance of what being a “Body” and becoming a “Family” really means.
Please join us as we dig into God’s word, listen to Holy Spirit, and catch of vision of what being a body and family really means.

Ekklesia Part 5: Crosses, Burdens, and More

June 18th, 2023

In Ekklesia, there are expected ways to have relationship with one another.
Today, we will seek God’s word to better understand what it means to carry one’s cross, bear one another’s burdens, and a few other things that will give us a vision for how to live out our faith.
Please join us as we gather together in Ekklesia. We pray that God speaks to you today, and that you know the presence of Holy Spirit.

Ekklesia Part 4: One Another

June 11th, 2023

Ekklesia is designed to give us a safe and beautiful place to gather together in the Lord. The Bible gives us clear directions on what this looks like and what that experience is. 

One of the most powerful ways is how we are directed to be towards one another. Join us today as we hear God’s word on “One Another.”

Ekklesia Part 3: When You Gather Together

June 4th, 2023

When you gather……
There are specific events that normally would occur in the early church. The use of these gifts has never ended, we just relegated them out of use to our own detriment. Join us as we rediscover what is supposed to happen when we gather as ekklesia, unified in Christ.

Ekklesia Part 2: Repentance

May 28th, 2023

Ekklesia…. “Gathering of those called out.”
If we are going to have Ekklesia, we need to be of one heart. A heart of repentence for our sins.
Join us as we dig into being repentant before a Holy God.

EKKLESIA... "The Power of Beginnings"

May 21st, 2023

The early “church.” We talk about this ALL the time, but do we know what it really means?
We derive “church” from the Greek word Ekklesia, but that is not what Ekklisia really means at all. It is somuch more and powerful than we currently experience.
Please join us as Gathering Midwest moves from being a “church,” and into the power of Ekklisia!

The Treasure of a Mother

May 14th, 2023

Happy Mothers Day!!!
We are here because a mother brought us into this world.
Join us today as we honor and explore the, “Treasure of a Mother.”

Slavery to Sinai Part 17: "What's The Good Word"

May 7th, 2023

God still speaks to us everyday. Are you listening?
God calls us to be faithful. How are you doing in that area?
God calls us follow through with what we say we will do. How is that going?
Over the last 16 weeks we went from, “Salvery to Sinai.”
Join us as we get “The Good Word” from God’s word today.

Slavery to Sinai Part 16: "From Burnout to Blessing"

April 30th, 2023

Have you ever over done it?
You ever took on so much that you burned out?
Join us as we get insight from God’s word to help us live a life that is more blessing and less burnout.

Slavery to Sinai Part 15: "Faith and Family"

April 23rd, 2023

Moses….. the man called by God to lead His people.
We….. are called by God to live our faith to our families and beyond.
The impact of living this way is eternal.
Join us as we hear from God’s word about living out “Faith and Family.”

Slavery to Sinai Part 14: "Rock Water"

April 16th, 2023

We all have needs. God is aware that we have them and they are never a surprise to Him.
Sometimes we forget to be grateful when He has met our needs in the past. Then we may even grumble…
Have you gotten so comfortable with grumbling that you’re missing the blessings?
Join us as we see how God does miracles to meet our needs.

Slavery to Sinai Part 13: "Bread of Heaven"

April 9th, 2023

Have you ever been really hungry? So hungry your became hangry?
In both the physical world and spiritual, we need food.
We may try to fill our soul with solutions that can’t truely satisfy. But Jesus, the Bread of Heaven, satisfies our souls, now and into eternity. The One who saves us also feeds us.

Slavery to Sinai Part 12: "What's The Hold Up?"

April 2nd, 2023

Have you ever been in a battle that took its toll on you? Have you ever felt stuck in life? Have you ever needed a friend to help you through? Join as as we hear from God’s word and find out “What’s The Hold Up.”

Slavery to Sinai Part 11: "Bitterness to Blessing"

March 26th, 2023

Have you ever been so hurt deep that your heart held bitterness?
Are you grumbling to God about your situation?
Join us as we discover God’s plan to bring about blessing, even in the midst of something bitter.

Slavery to Sinai Part 10: "Song of the Redeemed"

March 19th, 2023

Ever feel hopeless, backed into a corner, or like you’ve gone from a bad situation to worse? Join us today as we talk about how God brings beauty from ashes, even in our most difficult seasons.

Slavery to Sinai Part 9: "Dry Ground"

March 12th, 2023

What we focus on leads us. Sometimes, we get so focused on the wrong things that we miss the miracles right in front of us.
Join us as we connect to God’s word and see how He wants to move us over “Dry Ground” in our lives today.

Slavery to Sinai Part 8: "Feeding From The Lamb"

March 5th, 2023

Jesus is the Lamb of God. We are called to feed on the Lamb for our strength to do His will.
Join us today as we feed on the Lamb and learn what it really means for us.

Slavery to Sinai Part 7: "Delivered"

February 26th, 2023

Passover….. The shed blood protected the people of Israel from the final plague.
Join us as we see the power of, and what it means to be being fully delivered by the blood.

From Slavery to Sinai Part 6: "No Compromise"

February 19th, 2023

Compromises. Life is full them.
In Exodus Pharoah tries to make compromises with God and Moses.
Join us as God shows us there is a time for, “No Compromise.”

From Slavery to Sinai Part 5: "Frog Legs For Dinner"

February 12th, 2023

Frogs….. God sent frogs. Frogs were a HUGE problem for Pharaoh.
Moses in Gods’ power both brought and delivered them from the frogs.
Maybe you have some frogs in your life? Maybe you are in desperate need to be freed? Ultimately, maybe you need the fullness of God’s power in your life.
Join us as we see get a picture from God’s word for all of our lives today.

Slavery to Sinai Part 4: "This Plagues Me"

February 5th, 2023

Do you ever feel like quitting or giving up? Do you feel plagued by the worries of life? Join us as we learn how God works in the lives of those who love Him.

Slavery to Sinai Part 3: "Hope for the Burdened"

January 29th, 2023

Have you ever had a heavy heart?
Have you ever been burdened?
Are you looking for hope in the middle of it all?
Join us for part 3 of the “Slavery to Sinai” Series, “Hope For The Burdened”.

From Slavery to Sinai, Part 2: "When We Wait"

January 22nd, 2023

Waiting..... Most people do not like waiting.
We live in an instant world were can get almost anything we want instantly.
Thankfully, God is not like us. And the very best things in life are worth waiting for.
Join us as we explore from Slavery to Sinai, "When We Wait."

From Slavery to Sinai Part 1: "A Man of Rebellion"

January 15th, 2023

This is the kickoff message for a very powerful series called "From Slavery to Sinai."
Part 1: "A Man of Rebellion," Will address hearing God's voice. Responding to God's voice. And knowing God has a plan for you even if life seems difficult.
So please join us as we leave Salvery and head to Sinai.

Resolutions of Biblical Greats

January 8th, 2023

Resolutions, they do not save us or get us into Heaven.
Resolutions have even become cheesy and cliche'.
The meaning of a resolution actually has great meaning and can have a powerful impact on our lives today.
Join us as we hear from God's word about some Biblical greats who made profound resolutions and the impact they had on their lives.

What If?

January 1st, 2023

"What if?" It is the questions that can pose all the possibilities.
Great things have occurred in this world because soemone uttered the question, "what if?"
Join us as we begin the New Year, on New Years Day, asking "What if?" for 2023.

Christmas Eve Service

December 24th, 2022

Tis the night before Christmas and were all in one house....
Join us for our 2022 Christmas Eve service. A time of fellowship, worship, and celebration.

Part 2: Rivers of The Temple

December 18th, 2022

Hot water, cold water, or luke warm water. One is soothing, one refreshes, and one is useless.
Join us today for this powerful conlusion and find out what kind of water you are or need to become.

Part 1: Rivers of The Temple

December 11th, 2022

We are temples of the Holy Spirit. This has a direct impact to how we live out our walk with Christ on a daily basis. Join us today for the first part of this powerful message series, "Rivers of The Temple."

Jabez Part 4: Keep Me From Evil So I May Not Cause Pain!

December 4th, 2022

The prayer of Jabez is a powerful nugget of scripture. Today we explore the last part and most impactful portion of this ancient prayer. Join us we hear from God's word to get a picture of what God has for our hearts and lives as we move forward.

Prayer of Jabez Part 3: That Your Hand Would Be With Me

November 27th, 2022

The hand of the living God. Jabez cries out for this in his prayer and God answers! Join as we gleen from God's word how this applies to us.

Prayer of Jabez, Part 2: Enlarge My Territory

November 20th, 2022

Territory... Boundaries...Visions...Dreams...Desires. What if God has something much bigger for us than we ever thought possible? What if the territory God has for us refelcts His glory and not ours? Join us as we dig into God's word to find out what it means to "Enlarge my territory."

Prayer of Jabez Part 1: Oh Bless Me Indeed!

November 13th, 2022

If I Could Turn Back Time

November 6th, 2022

How many of you in have ever wondered what it could be like if you could turn back time? If you could what would you do with that power? Join us as we hear from God's word on what it says about turning back time.

What Have We Learned?

October 30th, 2022

The past seven have been amazing!! God has enriched and transformed people throughout this journey. In this the last part in the series "Purpose Driven LIfe" we find out what we do next to fulfill our "Purposes" in our walk with God.Join us as we move forward with purpose.

Made For A Mission

October 23rd, 2022

We are each made for a mission. In fact, it is our 5th purpose in this life God has given us. Join us this Sunday as we hear from God's word of the power and importance of being "Made For A Mission."

Shaped For Serving God

October 16th, 2022

You were designed for a purpose. Five purposes to be exact. Today we focus on purpose number four, "Shaped For Serving God." Join us as we hear from Gods word and catch a vison of what this means for each on of us.

Created to Become Like Christ

October 9th, 2022

Today we dig in and discover our third purpose in the Purpose Driven Life series. This purpose is the road map of that directs our lives and who we become. Join us as we learn about being, "Created to Become Like Christ."

Formed For God's Family

October 2nd, 2022

We were made to be part of a family. More imprtantly God's family. Join us for part #3 of the Purpose Driven Life Series, "Formed For God's Family."

Planned for God's Pleasure

September 25th, 2022

Why Am I Here?

September 18th, 2022

The biggest 3 questions we ask in life are:
1) The question of existence – Why am I alive? 2) The question of significance – Does my life matter? 3) And the question of intention – What is my purpose? Join us as we bgin the journey of discovering our purpose in this life. By answering "WHy Am I Here?"

Don't Waste Your Life

September 11th, 2022

We have one life. Only one. This life is a gift from the God of all creation. God created you for a purpose. And that purpose is unique to you!! You have a God given purpose!! Join us as we begin to discover what it really means to live a Purpose Driven Life.

A Message About "Nothing."

September 4th, 2022

They say, "it is always about something." Not today. Todays message is about nothing. Join us as we see how poweful God's word is in our lives when it comes to "nothing."

The Day The Earth Stood Still

August 28th, 2022

Life is full of battles.
In the midst of those battles God wants us to be prepared and involved. While we are doing our part we see that He also will do miracles on our behalf. Join us as we learn from God's word about how God works on our behalf during lifes battles.


August 21st, 2022

Keeping score, balancing the scales, and making comparisons, most people do this. Christians do this as well. In fact we excel at this. But truth is, the common thread in every problem we have is ourselves. Acting on this truth is the only way to become justified. Join us as we dig into God's word to find out we can become truly "Justified".

Those People

August 14th, 2022

Jesus was called, "a friend of tax collectors and sinners." Join us as we dig into what that really means and how it applies to us today.

Hey Jude: Part 2 "Remain Faithful"

August 7th, 2022

The Christian life can be hard. In fact it is sometimes downright difficult. Our faith is pushed, tested, challenged, and provoked on a daily basis. The world around us is a different world than we are called to live in. Join us as we dig into God's word so we can "Remain Faithful."

Hey Jude, and the danger of "False Teachers"

July 31st, 2022

The book of Jude in the Bible is only one chapter long. But contained in that one chapter are some powerful words for us to live by. Join us as we dig into the Book of Jude, and address the issue and lifestyles of "False Teachers."

God's Emissary (Linkin the Wiener Dog)

July 24th, 2022

What if God reveal parts of himself through animals?
Are there lessons to be learned from them?
Are there reminders we need to have from the presence of animals?
Join us as we look at God's word and the role of Linkin the Wiener dog as God's Emissary.

Removing The Gloves

July 17th, 2022

Gloves are used to protect and insulate from contaminates and harsh conditions. But often times we where gloves in our lives to keep us from being connected to people.
Join us as we dig into God's word and see why we need to begin Removing The Gloves.

Go Ahead...Make My Day!

July 10th, 2022

Attitude is 90% of how we approach life.
If our attitude is positive we can inspire others. If it is negative, it will inhibit others. We get to choose.
Join us as we dig into God's Word, (The Bible) and grab what it has to say about our attitude.

My Country Tis of Thee...

July 3rd, 2022

Love of God and love of country. These are the foundations of America.
Join us as we celebrate both.

One Life to Live

June 26th, 2022

Human life is the most precious gift in this world we are born into.
A historic change has occurred, and with every change we have new challenges.
Join us as we look to God's word and what it says for the next stage of our lives during this time.

The Value of a Father

June 19th, 2022

Fathers Day....
For many people Father's Day is not a womderful day. Sadly many people have been hurt by their fathers growing up.
And yet, the role of the father is so powerful that it can set the course of our lives in both positive and negative ways.
Join as we dig into God's word to get some insights and some healing as we discover, "The Value of a Father."

Wisdom Is Calling

June 12th, 2022

More valuable than anything else in this world is wisdom.
How valuable is it?
Join us and find out.

You Are Here - A message about moving forward in life

June 5th, 2022

Have you ever come to a place in life where you need to know the next step to take, but are unsure of which way to go?
The first step in this process is actually not a step at all, but is actually acknowledging the place where you now stand. In the shopping mall it is called, "You Are Here."
Join us as we connect to God's word and find out how to move forward along the path, because... "You Are Here."

Laying Down One's Life

May 29th, 2022

The Bible says that the ultimate sacrifice is to die to save someone else.
Join us as we look to God's word and remember those who have offered the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf.

The Great Provider

May 22nd, 2022

Join us as we glean insight to how much God loves and is "The Great Provider", with associate pastor Sam McGinnis.

Fruit of the Spirit: SELF CONTROL

May 15th, 2022

Being in control of oneself. This is a challenge for all of humanity.
Join us as we close out this series on one of the most difficult fruits that we need to produce in our lives.

Happy Mother's Day

May 8th, 2022

Happy Mother's Day!!
Join us as we celebrate the gift of our mothers who gave us the, "foundation of life."

Fruit of the Spirit: GENTLENESS

May 1st, 2022

When dealing with people in our lives the fruit of Gentleness is essential. But to really know the need for gentlness we must experience the opposite as well.
Join us as we digest this powerful fruit.

Fruit of the Spirit: FAITHFULNESS

April 24th, 2022

Faithfulness. Fidelity. Loyalty. Words that are of great importance and yet seem missing in todays world.
Join us as we take a bit of this powerful fruit of the Spirit.


April 17th, 2022

I was always a bit confused in regards to using the word, "passion" in regards to Jesus, the cross, his death, and resurection.
Join us as we dig in to understand its deep and powerful meaning, and how it applies to all of us as.

Fruit of the Spirit: GOODNESS

April 10th, 2022

Oh my..... "Goodness!"
Todays message is on the spiritual fruit of, "Goodness." Join us as we explaore what this fruit looks like and how we can feed this good fruit to others.

Fruit of the Spirit: KINDNESS

April 3rd, 2022

Being kind. "Kindness" The very word seems like a real struggle to find in todays world. Now more than ever we could all use a little kindness. Join us as we chew on this fruit and how it applies to us. You might be surprised at what you will discover.

Fruit of the Spirit: PATIENCE

March 27th, 2022

Patience. Every time I say the word the song from Guns and Roses goes through my head.
Fortunately, the Bible has much more to say about patience than they do.
Join us as we dive into God's word and learn about the fruit of Patience.

Fruit of the Spirit: PEACE

March 20th, 2022

Peace.... Peace is something we all desire, we all crave, and we all need.
This fruit is the one that gives rest in all the ways we were designed for. Join us as we learn about this powerful fruit from God's word.

Fruit of the Spirit: JOY

March 13th, 2022

Join us this Sunday as we dig into the Bible and digest the next Fruit of The Spirit, "JOY."
This message is sure to challenge you to grow this powerful fruit in your life.

Fruit of the Spirit: LOVE

March 6th, 2022

Join us for Part 2, and the first fruit of the Spirit... "LOVE"
This is the fruit that transforms lives, familes, countires, and the world. Find out what GOd's wrod says about this powerful fruit.

Fruit of the Spirit: The Battle

February 27th, 2022

Join as as we dig into Galatians 5:16-26, "The Fruit of the Spirit" Series.
This is the introduction message titled, "The Battle."
This message sets the course of our lives and the upcoming weeks as we learn about, "The Fruit of the Spirit."

Baptized in Fire

February 20th, 2022

The very title evokes so many thoughts.
What does this mean?
How does it apply to me?
How would I know if it happened?
Is it important?

Tongue Tamer, Part 3

February 13th, 2022

The power of the Holy Spirit on your tongue

Tongue Tamer, Part 2

February 6th, 2022

It seems it is constant in our lives. From the TV, the internet, and even in our own social circles. Join us to find out what the Bible really has to say about it.

Tongue Tamer, Part 1

January 30th, 2022

There it is. The tongue. The fire. The things that seems to always mess up our lives.
Join us tomorrow as we hear from God's word to help us become a, "Tongue Tamer."


January 23rd, 2022

Today we will learn from God's word about how to address problems in the lives of those around us.
The Bible calls this 'Planking'.

When Life Kicks Your Ass

January 16th, 2022

Some events in life hurt.
Some cut deep.
Some fully kick your ass.
But God's word gives us direction and hope when this happens. Join us as we learn from His word.
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Check our our video library here.